### 2.3.0 | 2024-11-05 - Added support for the new form validation placement setting. - Updated the message that displays when you try to add multiple Square fields to one form to use a dialog instead of an alert with Gravity Forms 2.9.0. - Updated the Square field to support the new form theme asset loading system from GFAddOn. - Updated the validation message placement to be consistent with Gravity Forms and other add-ons. - Updated the Square field configuration message to use the alert component for better UI and consistency. - Fixed an issue for the Gravity form theme where the Square field is too wide for smaller screens. - Fixed an issue where when validating an account, a php warning can be thrown if the request is unsuccessful. - Fixed an issue where deleting the Square field from a form causes a generic validation message, due to the Square add-on still trying to process the feed. - Removed the deprecated Square SDK files. - API: Removed the deprecated form Theme Framework global CSS API properties. ### 2.2.0 | 2024-06-26 - Added security enhancements. - Fixed an issue where a fatal error can occur if the https_local_ssl_verify filter is used with all arguments. - Fixed an issue where the loading spinner is not hidden after the form fails validation. ### 2.1.0 | 2023-12-13 - Added the Square receipt URL merge tag. - Updated the theme framework variables to be compatible with Gravity Forms 2.8. ### 2.0.0 | 2023-07-20 - Fixed an issue where the card details input is not displayed when using a conversational form. - Fixed an issue where payments fail when using a conversational form with page fields due to an invalid nonce. ### 1.9 | 2023-05-11 - Fixed an error where the credit card field doesn't display on multipage forms embedded using Ajax. ### 1.8 | 2023-01-19 - Added support for the new theme framework. - Added the Gravity Forms license key to the oAuth process. - Fixed an issue where a notice displays asking users to reauthenticate, even if they are not authenticated. - Fixed an issue where the add-on runs cron jobs to check for renewals even if it has never been configured. ### 1.7 | 2022-05-31 - Added [gform_square_card_details_style](https://docs.gravityforms.com/gform_square_card_details_style/) filter to replace [gform_square_card_style](https://docs.gravityforms.com/gform_square_card_style/). - Updated Square SDK from sqPaymentForm to Web Payments. - Updated field settings to remove the field style setting because new SDK doesn't support the traditional view. ### 1.6 | 2022-02-10 - Added support for indefinite subscriptions. - Fixed an issue that prevents the Square field from rendering on page load if the form has conditional logic set for other fields. - Fixed an issue where subscription creation fails if the existing customer does not hve a name. - Fixed an issue where clicking submit twice for a form with a form total of 0 bypasses required Cardholder Name field. - Fixed an issue where a form with a form total of 0 requires the Cardholder Name field. - Fixed a fatal error when getting refunds during the hourly `gravityformssquare_cron` job. - Fixed a fatal error which occurs on form render and the add-on settings pages for some hosting environments. - Updated plan names that are created in Square to be more accurate for new feeds. - Updated the styling for the disconnect alert messaging. - API: Updated to use the Square REST API instead of the Square PHP SDK, which will be removed in a future release. - API: Added support for using `define( 'GF_SQUARE_DEBUG', true );` in the wp-config.php file to log Square REST API request and response data. - API: Fixed an issue where the Square field is not initialized by frontend feed evaluation when the formId passed into the [gform_frontend_feeds_evaluated](https://docs.gravityforms.com/gform_frontend_feeds_evaluated/) callback is a string. ### 1.5 | 2021-10-27 - Updated the behavior when SSL is not enabled to display a better error message and prevent the field from loading. - Updated idempotency key methods to improve uniqueness. - Updated Square Connect SDK to the most-recent Square PHP SDK. - Fixed a typo in subscription cancellation error message. - Fixed a typo in the text domain for the authentication notice. - Fixed an issue that prevents payments from submitting when a Square field is used in combination with invisible reCAPTCHA. - Fixed an issue where a Javascript error occurs on multi page forms with AJAX enabled. - Fixed an issue that causes a fatal error when running the add-on on older versions of WordPress. - Fixed an issue that causes subscription metadata to be updated with every call to the Square API even if the details are unchanged. - Fixed an issue that prevents the Square field from initializing when conditional logic criteria are unmet. - Fixed an issue where the Square field is incorrectly rendered when another form field is configured with conditional logic rules. ### 1.4 | 2021-02-24 - Added support for creating subscriptions. - Added a cron job to handle data sync between Square and Gravity Forms. - Added a filter [gform_square_data_sync_enabled](https://docs.gravityforms.com/gform_square_data_sync_enabled/) to disable cron data sync. - Added a filter `gform_square_subscriptions_sync_delay` to adjust how much time between data syncs. - Added an admin notice that alerts site owners to re-authenticate Square to utilize the newest features. - Fixed the payment details link displaying on the entry detail page when the payment has not been captured. - Fixed a fatal error introduced with the multi-element field in version 1.3. ### 1.3 | 2021-02-23 - Added a form editor option to display the Square field as a multi-element credit card input which allows the input sub-labels to be customized e.g. change ZIP -> Postal Code. - Added support for refunding a payment from the entry detail page. - Added functionality to refund a payment from the entry details page. - Added support for card authorization and subsequent payment capture via the entry details page. - Fixed JavaScript error that prevented frontend forms from fully loading. ### 1.2 | 2020-09-15 - Added support for Gravity Forms 2.5. - Fixed an issue that leads to sending empty billing information to square. ### 1.1 | 2020-08-12 - Added the ability to authenticate a Square account using a custom app. - Added accessibility enhancements to how credit card errors are displayed and announced. - Updated missing credit card details error message. - Fixed an error that prevents updating the credit card nonce when the user enters new credit card number after SCA failure. - Fixed a PHP notice which occur when no billing address is provided. - Fixed an error that prevents creating an order when an empty line item is provided. - Fixed a PHP notice which occur when API error details is missing. - Fixed a PHP fatal error which can occur if a customer can not be created while creating an order. - Fixed naming of the Square field in various locations. - Fixed strings for translations. ### 1.0 | 2020-03-18 - All new!